Treading Water, Climbing a Mountain

january dreams

Live your life each day as you would climb a mountain. An occasional glance towards the summit keeps the goal in mind, but many beautiful scenes are to be observed from each new vantage point. (Harold B. Melchart)

Hello my dear friends. I hope your 2011 is off to an amazing, remarkable start. Mine has come in like a whirlwind and I've really tried to lean towards the challenges and opportunities that have come my way.

Things were pretty quiet around the office in December, I found a good rhythm and got into my groove. Reverb 10 rocked my world and I had the chance to spend quality time with my best friend and family, plus my mister's family for Christmas. We rang in the new year with friends at a swanky restaurant downtown and even found time to have a cozy night at home before going back to work.

I said I wanted to start 2011 with very few expectations—to ease into things and clear space for serendipity. The reality is, I'm not one to dip a toe into the pool. I take the full plunge, diving in feet first. Sometimes this ends with me feeling like I'm treading water. Other times I realize I'm climbing mountains. Lately, I've felt a mix of both.

It's thrilling to have so much going on, yet I know that running on 6 hours of sleep is not a sustainable practice. Training for my first 1/2 marathon is no small feat, but I really am loving the steps I've taken so far. My company's growth plans and goals for 2011 are aggressive, exciting and filled with potential for me to leave my mark. Relationships seem to be a theme for the first few weeks of the year—some have fizzled, others blossomed—I am grateful for life's constant evolution.

I've missed blogging and hope to return to a more regular routine of both reading, writing and contributing to our community. Thank you for the kind tweets and emails of support. I am delighted to know that even when the clouds roll in and I go radio silent, some of you are sending your loving vibes.

Here's to pursuing passion, excitement and calendars filled with thrilling to-do lists. My dishes may pile up in the sink and dust might start collecting in strange places, but I'm looking forward to the future I am paving. Are you?

Image Credit: Visioning via Me!

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

Creative Weekend To-Do List


Welcome 2011!