Intentions for November

 Image :: [101]  there is a river made of lightBegin somewhere. You cannot build a reputation on what you intend to do. (Liz Smith)

Hello friends. Thank you the sweet welcome yesterday. It feels good to be back!

Do you set goals for each new month?

It's something I like to do — and it seems to be very popular across the blogosphere. However, my personal goals have been nothing more than good intentions recently.

My aim for November is to truly dedicate myself to the goals I've set. They are a bit ambitious, but I know I can achieve them with some extra focus and enthusiasm.

  • Blog 5 times a week
  • Try 2 new recipes
  • Workout 5 times each week
  • Run 2 races: 5K next weekend & 8K on Thanksgiving
  • Finish reading A Place of Yes and Loving Frank
  • Finish Christmas cards
  • Plan gifts for family & friends

And you? I would love to know more about your goals for November, and if you have any tips for goal-setting success!

Image Credit: [101] there is a river made of light. via Stephen Brace

One more thing! Would you like to join me in celebrating a new season of inspiration? Sign up today to receive Inbox Inspiration and/or Muse Memos.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

Autumn Playlist


A Return to Blogging