5 Ideas for New Beginnings

Embrace the new year energy in ways that feel good, easy, and aligned. Let go of the hype and the list of things you “should” do. Instead, flow with what works for you. Listen to this episode for encouragement and 5 ideas for new beginnings. These are rituals and practices you can try anytime!

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Embrace the new year energy in ways that feel good, easy, and aligned. Let go of the hype and the list of things you “should” do. Instead, flow with what works for you. | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate podcast with Kaileen Elise!

Give 2021 a Gentle Welcome

Ease In is my free virtual retreat to help you find calm as this year begins. Every weekday you receive an oracle card via email to help you connect to your intuition and intentions. There’s also a gorgeous retreat guidebook and a full moon gathering. It began on Tuesday, but you can still join for free.

You Have Time for What Matters

The following rituals and practices are a great way to begin the New Year, but do not feel pressure to do them all. Take what resonates. Leave the rest. You have time for what matters.

Let’s talk about the calendar for a moment

  • The beginning of the year is January, February, and March

  • The middle of the year is April through September

  • The end of the year is October, November, and December

Looking at the year this way helps alleviate some of that January stress to do all the things. You have time. Birthdays are another good time for new beginnings. Here are my 35th birthday wishes last year.

5 Rituals to Try When You Want to Invite New Energy

01. Set Resolutions, Goals, and Intentions.

  • Resolutions. What do you resolve to do?
    I’m resolving to be more timely and give myself room to breathe between things.

  • Goals. What do you want to accomplish?
    I haven’t set firm goals for 2021 yet. I know I want to focus on what’s in front of me and enjoy the journey. I read The Surrender Experiment by Michael Singer recently and was very inspired. I think there’s room for concrete goals, but generally I want to take a softer approach to this year.

  • Intentions. What do you want to anchor to?
    Setting intentions is a longstanding practice for me. Are you wondering, what does it mean to set intentions? Click here for an episode to get started.

02. Choose a Word or Phrase of the Year

You can choose one little word, a couple of words, or even a phrase. For inspiration, check out:

03. Pull a Year Ahead Spread with Tarot or Oracle Cards

04. Make Yourself a Vision or Mood Board

05. Journal to Your Intuition

  • Write a letter to your future self, then answer it from that vantage point.

  • Or ask four questions I love to use for guidance. What do I want to celebrate? What do I want to cultivate? What do I want to release? What do I want to receive?

What about you? Do you have a favorite ritual or resource for new beginnings? Share on Instagram stories and tag me @kaileenelise so I can see!

Feel Centered and Connected in 2021

This can be the year you find calm within the chaos. This can be the year you take one thing at a time. This can be the year you flow, ease, and magic without even trying.

Your intuition knows where the magic is. It knows where you can find flow. It knows when you need to rest. It knows when it's time to step into the spotlight.

If you’ve been wanting to sign up for an inner voice session, now is the perfect time. Sit back, relax, get out of your mind. I’ll help guide you to the answers within.

You can begin again any time. Here are 5 ideas and rituals for new beginnings. Take what resonates and leave the rest. | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Photography by Angela Doran


This post may contain affiliate links that earn me a small commission. I promise to only recommend products and resources I personally love. Thanks for supporting me and my business!

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Connect to the calm within you.

Tired of feeling stressed? Wish you could have more ease and flow in everyday life?

I help people listen to their inner wisdom, trust what they hear, and take action.

Get comfortable. Get out of your mind. I will help guide you to the answers within.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.


Can We Expand with Ease?


Easing Into 2021