Becoming an Inner Voice Facilitator: An Honest Look Inside IVFT with Bella Lively

Becoming an Intuition Coach has truly changed my life. Take an inside look at my experience with completing Inner Voice Facilitator Training (IVFT) with Bella Lively. Learn how this approach to coaching is unlike anything else out there, what an actual client session is like, and the amazing results it brings.

This post was updated on June 14, 2024

The next round of IVFT with Bella Lively begins July 1, 2024. Watch the “Try IVFT for Free” call, get the program details, and register to join here. Make sure you say that Kaileen Elise Sues referred you and request to have me as your Squad Leader if it feels aligned!

Are You Curious About Becoming an Inner Voice Facilitator?

Bella Lively (formerly Jess Lively) created Inner Voice Facilitator Training, or IVFT, in 2020. I completed my certification in 2020 and was a group leader (aka squad leader) for the training in 2021 and 2023.

Inner Voice Facilitator Training teaches participants how to hold inner voice coaching sessions with clients to “go beyond their minds, receive personalized inner guidance, experience unwavering peace, and release energy from the mental/emotional body.”

Becoming an Inner Voice Facilitator has changed me in many ways:

  • helped me find freedom, peace, and ease in everyday life.

  • turned me into a more relaxed partner, mom (of 3), friend, and business owner.

  • taught me to be compassionate with myself when things are hard / not flowing.

  • gave me work I love, helping my amazing clients listen to their inner wisdom!

  • helped me enjoy and appreciate all the magic, wonder, and beauty in life.

To say it another way, this practice has changed everything. It’s helped me heal old wounds, navigate daily dramas, manifest magic, and live with a deep sense of inner peace. That's why I became a coach — to help others access intuition, trust what they hear, and act from there.

What's Inner Voice Coaching? And How Is It Different?

The foundation of inner voice coaching is that your intuition holds answers you can’t find elsewhere.

While each coach has their own unique approach, my clients say that I have a light-hearted, yet grounded style that helps them feel at ease through their experience.

Unlike other coaching styles, inner voice coaching focuses on accessing wisdom and answers through the client’s own voice of intuition vs. sourcing external solutions from experts.

What is Inner Voice Facilitator Training with Bella Lively, aka IVFT?

All Certified Inner Voice Facilitators are trained by Bella Lively through her Inner Voice Facilitator Training (IVFT). Lively is a teacher and podcaster who created a process for connecting to intuition, which she calls the “inner voice” and releasing stuck, trapped emotions or “emotional beanbags.”

The Next Round of IVFT Begins July 1, 2024

IVFT is scheduled to begin again on July 1, 2024! It includes 7 weeks of live training, small group work, and practice sessions with clients, along with over 150 hours of pre-recorded content and coaching with Bella from past rounds of IVFT.

Plus, in week six there will be a Business Panel of past IVFT Graduates who will answer any questions you have and share how they are using IVFT in their work and career… hosted by me!

Watch the “Try IVFT for Free” call, get the program details, and register to join here. Make sure you say that Kaileen Elise Sues referred you and request to have me as your Squad Leader if it feels aligned!

If you want to talk with someone who’s gone through the program as a participant and small group leader, connect with me on Instagram @kaileenelise.

An Hour of Intuition

Wave goodbye to uncertainty. Receive the answers you need to move forward in life, career, relationships, and beyond.

An Hour of Intuition is the last coaching call you’ll ever need.

What is An Inner Voice Coaching Session? And What It’s Like

In my individual client sessions and signature program, A Year of Calm, inner voice coaching sessions are audio-only, on Zoom, and begin with conversation.

We talk through your goals, challenges, and the questions you have for your inner wisdom. Then we go deep into your intuition through a process that feels like a guided meditation and breath work. Every session includes an audio recording of your session and a detailed summary email with your intuition’s insights and ideas to explore.

Clients say their intuition coaching sessions leave them feeling calm and grounded — with clarity about what to do next. One client (a business owner and mom of newborn twins and a toddler) said she felt energized like she just took a long nap!

The range of results and outcomes is vast, but common themes include:

  • a deep feeling of being supported from within

  • understanding an issue or concern with fresh perspective and peace

  • finding clarity on what next steps to take in a situation

  • having a sense of calm, okay-ness, and joy about life

Listen to the Episode: Becoming an Inner Voice Facilitator

I’m sharing about my experience with Bella (Jess) Lively’s Inner Voice Facilitator Training, answering questions about coaching this way, and sharing how it has changed my life.

This episode originally aired in February 2021. For a real-time update on my thoughts about IVFT and becoming an Inner Voice Facilitator, send me a message on Instagram @kaileenelise.

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Keep Reading for More Inspiration

4 Simple Ways to Find Alignment in Everyday Life

What alignment is, how to find it, and what to avoid in your pursuit of it. Get your questions answered and learn how intuition and alignment work together.

About Kaileen Elise Sues

Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.

Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.

That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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