There's Magic In Clarity

Show Notes

We’re nearing the halfway point in Magical May! Today’s episode covers a topic we’re exploring in the program — the clarity you can find through intuition. Listen as I share how your intuition can help you find clarity, why clarity is fleeting (and not the answer to everything), and the magic in clarity.

How Intuition Can Help You Find Clarity

Your intuition (or inner voice) is a powerful resource within. It is ready and available for you always. But that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to listen to or trust. 

When you’re busy, tired, or navigating a hard time, it can feel like there’s a film or fog between you and your intuition. Or you might question it more. 

That’s one of the reasons why I suggest connecting to your intuition for guidance on small and accessible things like what nail polish to wear or which email to answer first.

Strengthening Your Connection to Your Intuition

If you want more ideas, check out my free guide to strengthening your connection. With practice and time, listening to your intuition becomes easier and you’ll get more natural at trusting it. 

Clarity is something I think a lot of people want and crave, especially these days when we’re all feeling overwhelmed and pressured from decision fatigue.

Your intuition can help you find clarity by providing calm, steady, quiet wisdom from within. If you are at a crossroads, your intuition can help guide you in the direction that’s in alignment with your higher self and your dreams. 

If you are making a small, everyday decision, your intuition can help you choose what’s right for you in the moment without having to overload your mind with another choice. Your intuition can shed light on things your mind is confused about or stuck on by providing another viewpoint – that’s still you! (That steady, solid, loving part of you.) If it feels good, I invite you to embrace these gifts of intuition. 

When you get more clarity from your intuition, your mind gets to put things into action. Turn to your mind to make lists and calendar appointments, this is all stuff your mind is great at doing.

Warning: Clarity Isn’t the Answer to Everything

There are two main types of clarity you may be seeking: clarity on the big picture or clarity on the tiny details. This can be in your life overall, in your career or business, or another area of life.

You might have clarity on the big vision, but struggle with finding and feeling clarity on how to get there. OR you might feel really clear and aligned with how your everyday life is going, but unclear on the big picture.

The good news is, like everything else in life, there are a million ways you can go about this. And clarity isn’t the end-all-be-all answer to life.

You can be in a season where there isn’t a lot of clarity and still be happy, thriving, and living in flow. And alternatively, you could be in a season where things are really hard… you might be dealing with a major illness or another difficulty, and suddenly you get major clarity because of what’s happening.

A Gentle Reminder

Even when you are feeling overwhelmed or lack of clarity, you know what to do.

Your own intuition and wisdom have guided you to this point, even in seasons when you may not have been aware. When emergencies happen or you are managing your everyday life you are showing up and making the best decision for YOU and your people.

You don’t need perfect clarity about your path or every possible decision. Just lean into trusting yourself and know you can always adjust. You are doing so well!

Celebrate Cultivate Wellness Studio Updates

I am excited to share with you what has been happening lately in the Studio. Each season there are different opportunities available where I can support you on your journey to connecting to magic of everyday life.

Magical May has begun 

We’ve started our fourth year of Magical May and it is going so well! We have 12 women who are mothers, entrepreneurs, and soul-seekers participating and discovering how to find more magic and ease in everyday life.

Summer Season Session Opens soon

Are you looking to celebrate the good and cultivate more of what you want? The Season Sessions is a year-long coaching membership to help you find ease, expansion, and alignment throughout the year. Enrollment begins in June, stay tuned for more details.


What if you could manifest your dreams without the hustle and struggle? With Magnetize, manifesting becomes aligned and easy. You will learn how to listen to your intuition and align with abundance. Do it all in an effortless, expansive way. Supporting yourself on this journey for life. Your desires are good and meant for you!

21 days to intuition

Learn how to trust your intuition. Find alignment and ease in the everyday. Live the life you desire. In this FREE course, I will teach you how to strengthen your intuition in just three weeks. Sign up now to receive a pdf with daily prompts + simple practices. Your intuition awaits!

Connect with Your Intuition and Work with Kaileen

Join me for a free Inner Voice Journaling session with Jess Lively’s community The LivINg Room:

About the Host

Kaileen Elise

Kaileen is an Intuition Coach and host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast. She helps entrepreneurs, mothers, and soul-seekers find more alignment and ease through coaching, courses, and online retreats. Before becoming a coach full-time, Kaileen worked for a series of startups in HR and recruiting. She lives in sunny Austin, TX with her husband and their three children.

Connect with her on Instagram @kaileenelise.

Thank You for Listening

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Looking Back

May 13, 2021 • Episode 66 → Celebrating the Good in Life


Photography by Angela Doran
Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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