Feeling It Out with Tiffany Clarke Harrison of Rochelle Writers Studio

Tiffany Clarke Harrison joins me for a conversation about career, creativity, health, motherhood, and intuition as a Black woman and former “should girl." She believes we are here in this life to feel it out, not figure it out. As an author and mentor for intuitive writers, she is passionate about helping others heal who they’ve been so they can write from a place of freedom. Writers and non-writers will find so much wisdom and inspiration in this episode.

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Show Notes

Tiffany is an author, writing mentor, editor, and founder of Rochelle Writers Studio, a collective for dedicated writers of literary fiction & memoir. She leads with a feelings first, logic later approach to writing and life, and helps writers raise their true literary voice by uncovering the root of old patterns and blocks holding their manuscript hostage. With a mix of unconventional practices and traditional writing tools, writers find the clarity and strength needed to write the draft worth fighting for.

What Is a Book Coach?

Listen to the episode for Tiffany’s career journey from getting her MBA and climbing the corporate ladder to pursuing her MFA, publishing her first book, and becoming a book coach. Now she mentors writers of literary fiction and memoir using her unique feelings-first, logic-next approach.

Mentorship for Intuitive Writers of Literary Fiction and Memoir

Tiffany’s latest offering is a 3-month or 6-month mentorship for intuitive writers who have started writing their first draft. If you’re committed to the work in time, energy, and finances, click here to learn more.

Feeling It Out with Tiffany Clarke Harrison of Rochelle Writers Studio | Listen on Celebrate Cultivate with Kaileen Elise Sues!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom

Image via Tiffany Clarke Harrison

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