How to Strengthen Your Intuition

Want to trust your inner wisdom, take aligned action, and live the life of your dreams? It all starts with intuition. I’m back from maternity leave today with an all-new episode. Tune in for my three-step guide for listening to your intuition, plus how to strengthen it.

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What is Intuition? 

The dictionary defines intuition as, “the ability to understand something instinctively, without the need for conscious reasoning.” Intuition is also known as gut instinct or inner wisdom because it is often felt within the body. 

After over 70 intuition coaching sessions, here’s how I understand intuition today —

Intuition is a source of calm, ease, and gentle knowing within. It’s a resource available to you for all manner of decisions, choices, topics, feelings, things. Your intuition is part of you. It’s within you. It is you. And you get to define what it means to you.

How to Listen to Your Intuition

Follow these three steps as you learn how to listen to your intuition. You can return to these steps whenever you want. You can also create your own based on what intuitively feels right for you.

Step 1 - Turn Your Focus Inward. 

Close your eyes. Deepen your breath. Use your exhales to blow away thoughts as they arise. Take your awareness to the space within where you've heard your intuition before.

Step 2 - Tune Into Your Quiet Knowing.

Shift your awareness into receiving mode and listen to your intuition. You might notice words or images, feelings or sensations... or even complete stillness. This is perfect.

Step 3 - trust with open curiosity.

Your intuition is part of you. It wants what is best for you. It believes in you. Experiment with acting on the wisdom and insights you receive. Play with trusting what comes.

How to Strengthen Your Intuition

When you know intuition is and how to start listening to yours, you are ready to strengthen it.

  • Practice on small, everyday things.

  • Try different ways to connect. Meditation, journaling, in the shower, on a walk, voice memo, or book a session with a certified inner voice facilitator. Click here to get on my waitlist.

  • Notice the areas in your life where you already act from intuition. Follow that momentum and let it flow into other parts of your life.

Sign Up for 21 Days to Intuition

In this FREE course, I will teach you how to strengthen your intuition in just three weeks. Sign up now to receive a PDF with daily prompts and simple practices. Your intuition awaits!

That's It for Today

If you enjoyed this episode, take a screenshot and share it on Instagram. Tag me @kaileenelise so I can connect with you! Sending so much love, calm, magic, and ease your way!


Theme song is Wildflowers by Gyom
Image via Angela Doran

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Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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