How to Manifest Your Dreams and Goals Using a Journal

Journaling is a powerful practice for manifesting. Learn four simple ways to manifest your desires with your journal. Plus, hear about when I manifested the perfect apartment in San Francisco through journaling.

Start manifesting to feel truly satisfied

Follow these three steps to create your own intuition-led manifestation practice:

  1. Connect with intuition. Get my free workshop on journaling with intuition.

  2. Define manifestation for yourself. Manifestation can be as simple as calling your desires into existence. Get curious about what it means to you.

  3. Look back and look forward. Ask yourself these questions, “When it comes to manifesting, what’s worked well in the past? What hasn’t aligned? How do I want manifesting to feel?”

What do you write in your journal to manifest?

Start manifesting with intuition using these journaling practices: gratitude journaling, journaling with intuition, pre-paving, and affirming your manifestations.

Gratitude Journaling

Tune in to what feels good and is working well in your life. Write about what you appreciate, are inspired by, and are in awe of in your life.

Journal with Intuition

Instead of listing what your mind “thinks” you want, ask your inner voice, “What’s inspiring? What manifestations are in alignment with my inner voice?” Listen to Episode 103 on Inner Voice Journaling.


Pre-Paving is a style of journaling that helps you get into alignment, adjust your frequency, and tend to your energy. It will help you feel the feelings of your manifestations. Start by journaling about the day ahead as if it’s already happened. Here’s an example of what you might write in your journal:

”I’m so happy and grateful that today flowed with ease and magical serendipity. Dropping the kids off at school went smoothly and was filled with little moments of love. Then I had a bit of extra time to get a cup of coffee at my favorite place. They accidentally made me a large and gave it to me for free! The rest of my day kept flowing in beautiful ways. I had an amazing client call, booked three sessions, and ate the most delicious salad for lunch…”

Affirm Your Manifestations

Manifestations are flowing to you all the time. Write in your journal about how you are loosening your grip, softening your gaze, and opening yourself to possibilities. When you receive, celebrate! Write about how it felt for your manifestations to arrive. Celebrate how you called them in.

Links and resources mentioned

A Year of Calm, A Year for You

You don’t need to download another self-help audiobook. You need to listen to your intuition.

Imagine how it’d feel to slow down, breathe, and reconnect to the peace within you.

I created A Year of Calm to take you from feeling blocked and broken to being centered and connected.

Listen to the Celebrate Cultivate Podcast

Keep Reading for More Inspiration

My Experience at Abraham Hicks: Law of Attraction, Manifestation, and Magic

I had the opportunity to attend a live Abraham Hicks Workshop, and it was an experience like no other! As someone who's listened to Abraham for years, it was fascinating to be in the same room as Esther Hicks.

About Kaileen Elise Sues

Hi, I'm Kaileen! Intuition coach, host of the Celebrate Cultivate podcast, and mom of three.

Until I found my inner voice, I was a perfectionist always on the edge of overwhelm. This practice changes everything.

That’s why I’m here to help you access your intuition. So you can heal old wounds, manifest magic, and find calm in the chaos of daily life.

Kaileen Elise Sues

Kaileen Elise Sues is an intuition coach helping high-achieving, woo-leaning women find inner peace through every season.

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