meditation / mindfulness
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I’m Kaileen Elise; an intuition coach who helps high-achieving, woo-leaning women move through each season and find inner peace.

88 Journal Prompts to release stress + find alignment
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Podcast Episodes
Tune into podcast for interviews / updates / inspiration for your meditation journey.
Learn about self-mothering practices that will infuse your days with nurturing care. From gentle morning routines to midday check-ins and soothing evening rituals, discover how small actions can cultivate a deeper connection with yourself.
Take a moment to explore the messy middle, specifically the middle of the year. What guidance does past-you and future-you hold? Even if you’re on a walk, running errands, or driving somewhere, use this guided meditation as a time of quiet reflection and opportunity to visualize yourself in the past of January and future of December.
Transitioning from one season to the next isn’t always smooth. Sometimes it’s downright difficult! Learn how to stay grounded through change with ideas you can put into action immediately. Plus, enjoy a short meditation on shifting into summer.
Take a moment for yourself with this encouraging episode! Learn about the practice of self-mothering, then enjoy a guided meditation and journaling session to give yourself the care you crave.
Listen in as I offer some ideas and encouragement on how you can release should and the beauty that can be found in trusting where you are.
From the Blog
The latest musings / updates / inspiration from the blog.
Practicing self-care through the holidays took me from being stressed out and overwhelmed to calm and connected to what matters most this time of year.
Summer is a time of energy, exploration, inspiration, and flow. Here are 18 inspiring quotes that will get you ready to savor the summer season.
Kaileen joins The Lively Show after being an avid listener for 444 episodes! Bella and Kaileen talk about her journey with Inner Voice Facilitator Training (IVFT) and how listening to her inner voice has impacted her life, motherhood, and career as an intuition coach.
Join me on Instagram — and here on the blog — for 7 Days of Self Care starting on Sunday, November 13.
Your intuition, or inner voice, is a powerful resource that is available to you at all times. Here are 20 quotes about trusting your intuition and listening to your inner voice.
Listening to your intuition will help you feel less overwhelmed and more aligned in daily life. Use these three steps to start accessing your inner voice today.
I have been asking our community to share their intentions for the week. I share the intentions anonymously and then include intuitive guidance with each. Here’s what came through the past two weeks.
Setting intentions is a practice of gathering a word (or words) to serve as an anchor back to yourself and what you want. There’s no right or wrong way to do it. Intentions are a conversation you get to have with yourself. I’m bringing back my weekly intentions and inviting you to join with a new, intuitive twist.
The Collections
Community Favorites
Top articles / from the blog.
Practicing self-care through the holidays took me from being stressed out and overwhelmed to calm and connected to what matters most this time of year.
When you add the holidays to everything else on your plate, it can become the most stressful time of year. These strategies will help you have a season that’s merry, mindful, and magical!
Mother’s intuition is real. And it’s a powerful force for navigating the challenges of parenting. These 44 quotes, resources, and reminders will take you from feeling maxed out as a mom to happy and calm in no time.
Feeling overwhelmed by summer? You’re not alone! Here are four strategies for embracing balance, listening to your inner voice, and finding magic this season.

Not sure where to begin?
Here’s an 8-minute guided meditation that will help you tap into your inner voice and access the energy of spring. This season of growth and grounding brings an opportunity to find ease and enjoyment in daily life. And what better way to do that than by taking a few minutes to breathe deep and go inward?